‘September 1913’


‘September 1913’ is part of the ‘Responsibilities’ collection and was first published in the Irish Times on the 8th of September 1913 and was originally called ‘A Romance in Ireland’. The poem is a response to controversy over the politician Parnell and his private scandal and how people were unwilling to make a response. At the time, Ireland was divided between Catholics and Protestants. Yeats is a protestant and makes some criticisms towards Catholics in this. The poem compares the two different Irelands, the mundane Ireland and the heroic Ireland and links to Yeats’ other poem ‘Easter 1916’ as this is a follow up to the Easter Rising.
The poem questions all the unrest in Ireland and celebrates yet criticizes great men that Yeats looked up to in the past. We see the poet maturing in this poem as he feels the need to talk about this issue as its…

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